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Writer's pictureTarun Rajawnshi

Collagen Protein- Worth the Hype?

Collagen- the new buzz word in the supplement industry which is touted towards the support and development of joint and connective tissue health, maintenance and growth of muscle mass, improvement in bone health to just name a few.

But how does research stand against all these claims?

Firstly, what is Collagen?

It is the most abundant protein found in the animal kingdom and in humans (and some vertebrates) which comprises up to 1/3rd of total protein mass in the body. In our body, there are 16 variants of collagen, 80-90% of which are types 1-3

(Knowing all the variants is not quite necessary)

SO simply put, it's something which our body has inbuilt stores of. However, anyone who has taken any basic nutrition course (if you wish to learn all of this, our CNSC course might just be the right investment for you), was taught that collagen protein is the one animal protein source which is comparatively inferior.

Is it a low quality protein then?

In terms of amino acids (AA), its ratio between indispensable: dispensable AA is quite low and it does not have the essential amino acid (EAA) tryptophan which classifies collagen protein as an ‘incomplete’ protein.

But before you just hang up on this, hold on. Collagen Protein has high content of glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline (pro tip to remember: anything ending with -ine is an amino acid and all these are produced in the body) which makes it functionally unique among other proteins.

And that is where the magic happens.


Let’s sum it up with evidence and the use cases of collagen!

(This can be your go-to cheat sheet about collagen)

#1 Collagen Protein for connective tissue and dermatology applications:

  1. Use of collagen for strengthening ligaments and tendons.

  2. Reduced activity joint pain as well as for osteoarthritis and osteoporosis (supplementing with 12g/day improved above mentioned symptoms)

#2 Collagen Protein for Muscle Building:

  1. On a non-directive comparison (standalone use of collagen in study only and not with other sources) collagen supplementation has shown to increase strength and lean body mass (LBM) in older and younger adults. But again these results were not from a direct comparison study.

  2. In direct comparison- (drum rolls please) whey has outperformed collagen for decreasing android fat (no, not the mobile OS; Android is described as fat distribution around the mid-section, dominant male body type) and increasing acute & longer-term muscle protein synthesis.

  3. The effective dosing ranges 8-15 g

  4. 15 g/day resulted in lean mass & strength gains (note that these results were not from direct comparisons to other proteins).

So our final say.

On a purely context dependent basis, collagen protein does hold some credibility in improving connective tissue health with nearly 12g/day dosage, however for muscle building, it is a sub-optimal supplement when compared with whey protein usage.


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